President's message
Hello KOTAA members,
This is Sung-hee (Sonny) Kim, who was inaugurated as the 16th president of KOTAA.
Since its inception in 1990, our KOTAA meeting has become an active professional academic group related to road and transportation, with over 160 members gathered in 2023. Our KOTAA has continuously grown until now thanks to the support and efforts of all our members.
During my tenure as the 16th president of KOTAA, I would like to contribute on the preparedness for the future in our road and transportation field in order to inherit and further develop the pride of KOTAA.
In order to prepare for technological changes using big data and AI, KOTAA will work hard to support young students, who are our future. To this end, KOTAA will expand not only academic networking but also student supports to participate in and strengthen communication.
Further, we will strengthen online and offline blending, cooperation with similar majors that can be shared with KOTAA in digital transformation and blending with domestic academic events and international members. We will overcome the constraints of time and space and become KOTAA that accompanies future technological changes.
Thank you.
Sung-Hee (Sonny) Kim, KOTAA 16th President


The membership is open to all transportation industry professionals, university professors and graduate students teaching or studying transportation engineering and other transportation-related subjects.
Contact our secretary

Annual Meeting
KOTAA holds an annual meeting at TRB conference on each January. It usually consists of Techonical and Annual meeting session. The time and location will be posted online before TRB conference.
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KOTAA newsletter is published each year to inform members of any news about KOTAA and members.
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